
Reducing signup & login friction
Industry •

Reducing signup & login friction

Does reducing friction help a business grow? Can security teams take friction away from users and make authentication seamless? “High-grade security” coupled with “low to no friction” is the future of successful online engagement between companies and their users. This post explores those topics....

Using Castle with OIDC Providers
Industry •

Using Castle with OIDC Providers

This post covers strategies for adding Castle's layer of bot detection and ATO prevention to your OIDC authentication flow, getting the best of both worlds. This is relevant for apps using an external identity provider, like Okta, Auth0, Amazon Cognito, Google, or Facebook....

Finding signals in a flood of data
Industry •

Finding signals in a flood of data

Whether it's human intuition or machine learning, how do we go about discovering key insights when flooded with data? This post introduces some fundamental techniques of AI & machine learning to non-data scientists....

Bot or Not: Can you spot the automated mouse movements?
Industry •

Bot or Not: Can you spot the automated mouse movements?

In this post, we'll take a look at three types of bot-generated mouse interactions and we'll discuss how these can be automatically detected. See if you can pick out the bot mouse movements from the human ones!...

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How to Think About GDPR as a Security Vendor
Industry •

How to Think About GDPR as a Security Vendor

Learn about essential aspects of GDPR, and how security vendors like Castle can provide tools that actually make it easier for app developers to adhere to fundamental GDPR regulations....

Outsmarting ATO Threats
Industry •

Outsmarting ATO Threats

Castle Solutions Architect Aron Eidelman demonstrates Account Takeover tactics by attackers and new ways to outsmart them and protect your users....