Asking your consumers again and again to take responsibility for their security through robust passwords and other security measures doesn’t work. The responsibility of security needs to shift from end users to the companies who serve them
How an organization handles an Account Takeover can have a significant impact on consumer trust and retention. Recently I became a victim and the response has made me re-think about my loyalty to this brand.
You need to know what’s going on inside and outside your applications to protect against Account Takeover. Here are the 4 stages of ATOs you need to know.
We are excited to share a new feature in the dashboard that is aimed to help make the Castle Integration more friendly and self service for developers!
Last week, Reddit announced a security incident in which an attacker compromised employee accounts for Reddit’s cloud and source code hosting providers. Breaches like this serve as reality checks to those of us responsible for securing user data and identities online.
One item that is commonplace in a hacker’s toolset is a database of leaked user credentials. The database holds a set of exposed user login credentials...