Johan Brissmyr

Johan Brissmyr

Fixing the blind spots in fraud prevention

Fixing the blind spots in fraud prevention

Fraud prevention fails when you can’t see what’s happening on your platform. Most companies rely on basic fraud prevention tools that only scratch the surface, leaving them blind to deeper patterns of...

8 Common Types of Account Abuse

8 Common Types of Account Abuse

Leading platforms like Canva, Atlassian, Figma, Notion, and Dropbox have completely transformed the modern workspace. They have brought productivity to new heights and made online collaboration effort...

Castle & Twilio Segment – Instant Account Defense

Castle & Twilio Segment – Instant Account Defense

Securing apps and users from account abuse has long been a resource-draining challenge for security and fraud teams, irrespective of company size. The setup process alone can span months, if not years...

How to Prevent Account Sharing Like Netflix
Industry •

How to Prevent Account Sharing Like Netflix

Account sharing is a form of account abuse that needs to be detected with more sophistication than just a one-time check during signup or login. Plus, there's no strict rule on how many accounts are okay to share—it's all up to your service's policies...

Which CAPTCHA(s) Should I Use?
Industry •

Which CAPTCHA(s) Should I Use?

As a developer encountering your first wave of bots trying to register or log into your application, which CAPTCHA should you opt for?...

The Different Forms of Online Abuse

The Different Forms of Online Abuse

Fighting fraud is serious business for companies, even when they have clear rules and steps to follow. However, its evil twin abuse can show up in different ways - from out-and-out illegal actions to...

From Spam to Scams: How to Handle Fraud vs. Abuse

From Spam to Scams: How to Handle Fraud vs. Abuse

In the early stages of a startup, your primary focus is often on growth and development. Goals are set around attracting users, refining the product or service offering, and scaling up in general. Dur...