Industry •

Which CAPTCHA(s) Should I Use?

As a developer encountering your first wave of bots trying to register or log into your application, which CAPTCHA should you opt for?...

Product •

Product focus: Policies

Policies lets you create tailored rules that suit your specific needs. It’s designed to work in various scenarios, whether you're dealing with account abuse, account takeovers, or combating SMS-pumping...

The Different Forms of Online Abuse

Fighting fraud is serious business for companies, even when they have clear rules and steps to follow. However, its evil twin abuse can show up in different ways - from out-and-out illegal actions to...

From Spam to Scams: How to Handle Fraud vs. Abuse

In the early stages of a startup, your primary focus is often on growth and development. Goals are set around attracting users, refining the product or service offering, and scaling up in general. Dur...

A Guide to Account Verification

Automating account verification has become the norm for businesses to minimize fraud and validate legitimate users online. However, it's not always clear how verification helps with different type...

Product •

Product focus: Time selector

The time selector is a central feature of the Castle Dashboard and is present throughout all views where you can examine your data. While many types of tools use a time selector for navigation, fraud...